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 “Taste, like identity, has value only when there are differences.”. - Carlo Petrini, Founder of Slow Foods


my aim is to use the beautiful, forgotten grains and produce of Austin and showcase their place in today’s burgeoning food scene. I learned as the President of Slow Foods at the Culinary Institute of America that “Local,” “heirloom,” “sustainable;” these are just words. We can all make food with ingredients labeled as such and create mediocre food that we label as just a buzzword. I’ve done the same. But to highlight the beautiful produce, livestock, and— especially—grains as the focal point of a product is to speak to historical culinary landscape. My aim is do this with a variety of breads, cured meats, cheeses, and vegetable preparations that put at the forefront the subtleties and voracity of what we can source; not just locally, but with regard to the true heritage of this country. Breads will be in abundance, but what comes next? The answer is...



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